Bringing web performane research to practice
Doctoral thesis
Speed Kit CEO Dr. Felix Gessert explored the web performance impact of caching technologies during his doctoral thesis at the University of Hamburg.
Performance research
Our team received the renowned EXIST business startup grant from the German government to fund the complex and innovative web performance research.
Baqend launch
Before working on Speed Kit, our team launched a backend-as-a-service product called Baqend and further explored the business potential of caching technologies.
First employees
Our tech-driven company started to grow quickly by hiring talented computer science students and graduates from the University of Hamburg.
Speed Kit launch
With the release of the innovative browser technology called "service workers" in 2017, our company pivoted from a backend-as-a-service to a software-as-a-service for website acceleration.
Our impact
Speed Kit is the #1 website acceleration software in the world.
Accelerated websites
Accelerated users
Accelerated annual revenue
Meet the crew
A passionate group of people that love fast websites.