
How the Condor website loads faster with Speed Kit

Published on
May 6, 2024
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Condor, a leading airline based in Germany, is renowned for its commitment to providing exceptional travel experiences. As a cornerstone of the Condor Group's operations, serving destinations across the globe, Condor recognizes the importance of their digital platforms as the very beginning of their clients' customer journeys. With an unwavering focus on delivering unparalleled user satisfaction, Condor continually explores avenues to optimize the user experience, and delivering a snappy and responsive experience with superb page speed is an integral part of that.

"The implementation of Speed Kit was flawless, thanks to the outstanding support from the Speed Kit team every step of the way. Our website's performance has undergone a remarkable transformation, ensuring our passengers enjoy a swifter and more seamless online booking experience."

Daniel Harbeck, Head of Content at Condor Flugdienst GmbH
Faster website
Less image data
Images per month



Condor seamlessly integrated Speed Kit into their website Leveraging advanced caching algorithms and cutting-edge Service Worker technology, Speed Kit played a pivotal role in optimizing Time to First Byte (TTFB) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) across different page types. A crucial aspect of this remarkable enhancement lies in Speed Kit's unique ability to cache dynamic HTML resources, transforming previously non-cacheable pages into efficiently loadable assets within Condor's domain infrastructure.


LCP on Page Type Homepage

Our Proof of Concept with Condor showcases remarkable improvements in homepage performance, with a significant 20% increase in Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) speed, reducing it to an impressive 394ms. These results underscore Condor's effectiveness in enhancing user experience and accelerating page loading times.

Image Optimization

Speed Kit demonstrates impressive efficiency, reducing unnecessary image data by 53% across a vast delivery of over 2.7 million images per month. These results underscore its potential to significantly enhance user experience and optimize data delivery processes.

Bounce Rate vs. Average Session LCP

Our proof of concept findings reveal a crucial Impact: for every 100 millisecond decrease in Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), bounce rate decreases by 8.56% in an average session. This underscores the pivotal role Condor plays in not only optimizing load times but also in mitigating bounce rates, thereby enhancing overall user engagement and retention.


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